Monday, November 4, 2019

The Confession and Crime Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Confession and Crime - Assignment Example Han and his wife lived peacefully as described by the Chinese stagehand. Similarly, Kuzmich lived well with people even though they took advantage of him. He is a humble man who thinks everyone around him lives a good life until they start borrowing from him. Second Topic Sentence: Both Han and Kuzmich did not get along in their respective marriages. It seems that there was nothing so intimate between the two main characters and their wives. Threats of divorce were all over. Specific Support: Han feels that the child is not his and that he married his wife when she was already pregnant. On the other hand, Kuzmich is thought of being a thief simply because his friends and his wife think that he steals from his workplace. Specific Support: Han cannot take decisive action towards his wife and the overwhelming hatred towards her is the possible cause of her murder. Kuzmich too cannot openly tell his friends that he does not have the amount of money they think he has. He goes ahead to steal just to please his greedy friends. Specific Support: Han selfishly thinks that his wife is unfaithful and that he can live without him. Kuzmich also looks forward to living a good life just like his friends despite earning a little income. Conclusion with a Clincher: Han and Kuzmich have had a tragic ending because of the people around them and the circumstances around them. Han’s crime was provoked by his own feeling and attitude towards his wife. Also, Kuzmich’s friends seem to have influenced him in stealing the money from the cash box.  

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