Monday, November 18, 2019

MME Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

MME - Assignment Example The private and public sector all have a managing system designed to run the organization’s operations from day to day. As was created at privatization, the British railway industry structure still remains much the same according to the Department of transport (1992: 33). Giving of incentives efficiently to both train operators and privately owned infrastructure providers was a fundamental principle that to some degree still remains and by being made to suffer the financial setbacks of their inefficiencies, this reduced the call on the taxpayer. That is a discipline is meant to be created in any other shareholder company, through take the taxpayers to the companies the risk in which the value of the owners' assets are at stake. The Nation railway in the United Kingdom was run by an executive committee of rail company managers and controlled by the government in the First World War. A decision then had to be made in 1919 on how the railways would be returned to the private sect or. In 1947 in order to provide an economical, efficient, adequate and properly integrated system of inland transport, a British Transport Commission was set up (Department of transport, 1992: 33). ... 63). In the early 90’s the problem the government was trying to solve was a familiar one with that of the national railways, that is how to without unacceptable reductions in the scale of the railway service, reduce the demands on the national taxpayer. The main principle running the British railway was not changed after the 1990’s policy of privation. The main aim of this policy was to maximize the railway sector competition and come up with a low-cost efficient railway sector. The implementation in the beginning did yield results where the customer service, ticketing, time table and traffic improved greatly. However the strategy set soon fell foul as a result of management strategies and styles applied and interference from politics as a result of a change of government right after privatization. The new labour government was not comfortable with privatization of the railway industry. Later Railtrack ran into financial trouble and the government took its opportunity t o acquire the control of the railway industry again. Unfortunately the British railways provision of service declined greatly with no competition and the lack of proper management. For any organization to survive today’s market, it is utmost that they establish an ongoing process of coping with current market demands, with the management level going back to the drawing board to review the company’s vision, lest they become obsolete. Any public sector thinking about carrying out strategic management change, should first understand the type of organization they have in the sector. To understand organization means to look into the level of competencies, look at the

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